Student Page


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Cooranbong's Art Project

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Email Us

Principal: Di Cox

Ph:  0249771122

Fax: 0249772059

Webmaster: cooranbongbarron


funstuf.gif (10948 bytes)Students - please let Mr. Barron Know what sort of things you would like to see on this page to make it fun and useful!

Useful Links

Ag_ball6.gif (3584 bytes)Visit Mr Barron's class page Other class pages coming soon!

Ag_ball6.gif (3584 bytes)Homework help search engine

Ag_ball6.gif (3584 bytes)Homework help

Ag_ball6.gif (3584 bytes)Homework heaven

Ag_ball6.gif (3584 bytes)KidsClick Search engine

Ag_ball6.gif (3584 bytes)Maths help

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Ag_ball6.gif (3584 bytes)Try out this number puzzle

Ag_ball6.gif (3584 bytes)Rubick's cube

Ag_ball6.gif (3584 bytes)Ice Blocks Game

Ag_ball6.gif (3584 bytes)Netris game

Coming soon.......Games designed by Cooranbong students!